To watch Dragonball Evolution online movie free streaming is what people freaks out on watching this Summer 2009! Whew, aren't you excited to this anime-turned-movie?

On my part, well.. considering Goku is in high school (school? wtf?) in this Dragonball Evolution movie to watch, and that they got rid of important main characters (Krillin?!?! NOO), this film will most likely be a failure to people who aren't die hard fans of the series. But most people haven't even seen the original Dragonball series, so they aren't aware, everyone just assumes its DBZ. But what I'm saying is, they may change the character to an older gent for DBZ seeing as it takes place years after Dragonball. Not to mention the birth of his children (gohan first) take place, so they'll have to do something.

So anyway, you can still try to watch Dragonball Evolution free online movie streaming download. I still will, I mean, come on! Haha!


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